This event is over.
Thank you for many participations in this event.

Asia Pacific Dyslexia Forum 2020 (held in 2021)

- Date
- 8th & 9th May 2021 9 to 18
- Method
Online: Live broadcast, Archive (for one week)
Place: Okayama Convention Center
Participation in person at the venue capacity: 350
Online participation capacity: unlimited - Entry fee
- At the venue ¥6000, students 18+ ¥3000, under 17 free
Online: ¥6000 - Entry
- Start on 6th March, 2021
- Language
- Japanese/English (Simultaneous interpretation or subtitle)
- Organizer
- APDF2020 Executive Committee(Chairperson Ms Eiko Todo / Vice Chairperson Prof. Akira Uno PhD)

Heikki Luyytinen(UNESCO Chair) | 「Inclusive Literacy to All」※1 |
Catherine MacBride (Hong Kong University) | 「Work Through and Work Around: Best Approaches to Helping Children with Dyslexia」※1 |
Keynote Speach: Eiji Wakamiya | 「Basics ofDevelopmental Dyslexia」 |
Symposium1Chair:Norimune Kawai | 「Reasonable accommodation Using ICT in Regular Classrooms」 |
Symposium 2-1 Chair : Akira Uno, Hisako Ando | 「Early detection and Intervention:System Building 」 |
Symposium 2-2 Chair :Akira Uno, Hisako Ando | 「Improvement of Expertise: Teacher Training」 |
Symposium 3 Chair :Nobutaka Matsumura | 「2E(twice-exceptional) Education and Dyslexia:Shedding Light on Dyslexic Advantage」 |
Symposium 4 Chair :Toshihiko Abe | 「Inclusive Education and Dyslexia」 |
Round Up Chair:Eiko Todo | 「ESD and Inclusive Education in Asia Pacific」 |
Okayama Project1 Chair:Miki Yuzawa | 「Education in Okayama from the Past to the Future」 |
Okayama Project 2 Chair:Takayuki Tanji | 「Practices and Cooperation with Medical Care, Education and Welfare in Okayama」 |
※1 on Archive
Most of the programs are available at the venue, online and archives expect for the following:
On Archive only- Lectures
Heikki Lyytinen Inclusive Literacy to All
Catherine McBride Work Through and Work Around: Best Approaches to Helping Children with Dyslexia - Message
Future of Dyslexia in Asia Pacific from many AP countries - Digital exhibition of DX talents
- Poster sessions
At the venue only
Experiencing Booths: Youreyes (text to speech program), colored sheets, ELC (Easy literacy check), BEAM (Audio textbooks), ICT (Parents association), TRPG with workshops